I had been planning to write something about social media and the role it can play in building a web presence.
I was wondering about the best way to explain the why and the how.
Today I stumbled accross the following excerpt from an Edweek Blog
The Kentucky Department of Education announced it has officially joined the social networking phenomenon by launching a Twitter and a Facebook page.
The jump was spurred by a desire to update members of the community about meetings and updates more quickly, said a press release. The state’s education commissioner, Terry Holliday, is a proponent of social media, using his own Twitter page, as well as blogs and websites, to communicate with others.
“It’s important that we reach as many audiences as possible, and having a social media presence enables immediate sharing of information and news. It also provides a means for direct feedback from educators, parents, students, elected officials and others,” he said in a press release.
While there are several reasons one might consider using social media, the thing I especially liked about this excerpt is that it shows one of the primary reasons why a person, entity or organization might want to use it. It is primarily a two way communications vehicle to engage with stakeholders, prospects and clients. Not only do you use it to broadcast your identity, products and services but you can also give and receive feedback.
If you write a new blog entry or have a new event happening, using your social media service, with a link, to inform, gets people to visit your site and/or blog. As mentioned in the previous post, the search engines like these link exchanges and it helps your site gain search engine rank and thus your web presence grows.
I have just one caution with this. I stopped following some twitterers recently because their tweets were nothing more than repetitive spam. We want to engage and invite our audience, not offend and turn them off. Therefore like any marketing method, it is important to have a strategy and to exercise tact and subtlety.
At Waitomo Creative we work with our clients to advise and help with ways to set up and effectively use these tools.